Business Summary

Product Strategy: 3D

Why 3D?

Since sales were first launched in 1986 of our computer-controlled 3D milling machine CAMM-3, we have promoted, in a variety of forms, the increased utilization of CAD/CAM that leveraging 3D products. Formerly, 3D CAD costing several tens of millions of yen and the control of 3D products with original programs created by the user were the mainstream, so the number of users was limited. However, environments in which 3D products are utilized are rapidly expanding and business opportunities are increasing thanks to recent improvements in computer performance and the emergence of mid-range CAD, which refers to 3D CAD costing around one million yen.

Aims of Roland DG 3D Products

Main Features of Roland DG 3D Products
  • We develop products around the concept of tabletop devices. Our basic concept is to provide machines that can be used not only in a factory but also in a design room or office.

  • We prioritize convenience in the form of ease of use and ease of handling; specialists and skilled technicians are not needed.

  • Products are developed with priority on the usage environments of users.

  • Our machines are utilized in highly varied, small-lot production of small parts for electronic devices and other applications as well as mock-ups, prototypes for functional parts and production of light molds. They are not for mass production of large parts.