Answers to frequently asked questions


Q. When was Roland DG Corporation founded?
A. The Company was established as AMDEK Co.,Ltd. on May 1, 1981. And its name was changed to Roland DG Corporation on June 1, 1983.
Q. When was Roland DG Corporation listed on the stock exchange?
A. Roland DG Corporation was listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2000 and upgraded to the First Section in 2002.
Q. What is securities code of Roland DG Corporation?
A. The securities code is 6789.
Q. What is the trading lot size for Roland DG shares?
A. 100 shares.
Q. Does Roland DG Corporation have any preferential treatment for shareholders program?
A. No, we do not.
Q. I want to see sales and profit figures for the past five years.
A. You can see financial data for the past five years on this Website. Click here to download.